A Mindset Retrospect:


This is precisely how I viewed what my life in Atlanta had become.

Truth be told, all I want out of this point in my life is adventure. Continuing to reside in the same area that I had inhabited for the past fifteen years was nothing short of smothering to my spirit, my internal need for new experiences. Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be anything but perpetually restless. It was precisely this restlessness that was getting the better of me and completely hindering my ability to obtain anything that may have been construed as a consistent happiness.

Do I miss Atlanta's Southern charm and familiarity? Very much. Do I intend to make Southern California my permanent home? Probably not. But am I loving every new thing that I learn about this place and hanging on every beautiful scene placed before me? Absolutely!

1 comment:

  1. I too am perpetually restless! It's so great to "meet" someone who is the same...:)


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