Barcelona, The First Time:

We landed in Spain during the early morning hours. Luckily our hotel allowed for us to check in early, so we were able to drop off our bags and head out in search of some breakfast! We found a little café in the Gothic Quarter (Barri Gotic) and had our first cortados and omelette sandwiches to fuel our day...

After breakfast, we just started to walk around, taking in the views, stopping into little shops along our aimless path...

Soon we were hungry again for a little snack. We stumbled upon the outdoor café that we had originally been seeking out that morning, nestled in a quaint square with a park for children. Our server was silly, helpful, and infinitely friendly, just like most of the Spaniards we came to meet! We liked that guy a lot. Sitting in the sun, we enjoy some hummus and a Spanish omelette with delicious fresh greens.

Then it was back to walking... Until we happened upon the Cathedral, and I insisted to the beau that we pay the 6€ to gain entry. It turned out to be money well spent.

An area known as the "Well of the Geese" had us captivated for quite some time. We just loved to watch these funny little guys!

Upon entering the main hall, our breath was promptly taken away by the ornate 14th century architecture. I feel like we had a special appreciation having both been raised Catholic.

After a short ride in a cramped and rickety elevator, we were on the roof of the church with the most phenomenal views over Barcelona's oldest neighborhoods. This was what I had come to Europe for...

Afterwards, we slowly made our way back to our hotel for some relaxation. Later on, we walked to the Irish pub that the beau had spotted a block away from our room to enjoy some dinner, futbol, and Magner's cider for the evening.

Thus concluded our first day in Europe. The very next morning we awoke at 4am to grab some chocolate croissants and cortados before catching a taxi back to the airport for a flight that was book mere hours beforehand to Nice, France by way of Zürich, Switzerland! The city was so serene in those chilly hours while everyone slept... We knew then that we just loved Barcelona.

Up next: Nice and the French Riviera in all of it's Frenchy glory! 

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