A Very Boyfriend Birthday:

Last week was the beau's 27th birthday...

Ladies, if you live in Southern California and have a car enthusiast of a boyfriend like myself, you need to bring him to the Mullin Automotive Museum in Oxnard. It is open one or two days each month and is the personal collection of Peter Mullin, most of which are French automobiles with Bugatti being the primary manufacturer you'll see. (Mr. Mullin was actually there doing some press during our visit!) I assumed it to be fate that the museum happened to be open on his exact birthday, and he has been giddy about visiting since I gave him the tickets for Christmas...

[I certainly wouldn't mind driving this down the PCH...]

[The most expensive car in. the. world!]

He knows that looking at cars is far from a favorite past-time of mine, but with all of the things that he does for me on a daily basis, he definitely deserves it! They are never all that bad since I like history (I actually have a degree in it), and it makes him infinitely happy to have me show an interest in something that he is so passionate about.

(I also got him an Xbox, which turned out to be another slam dunk in the birthday department.)

What activities do you do with your man?

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